"Sealed Past" Ch. 22 [novella, Kagome/Ranma(Inuyasha), M]

Chapter 22

"What's wrong Ranma?" Kagome questioned softly as she stroked his damp hair.

"I lost control today during my talk with Akane." Ranma's shame filled reply was muffled against her breasts.

"Tell me about it," she encouraged him, nudging him more to the side to allow her more breathing space. He complied but his arms closed more firmly about her.

"I'm not sure where to start. I was going to start off by talking about the exorcism and then move on to how we'd both changed and weren't suited to each other. But somehow I got side tracked and we started arguing like usual."

"Then she hit me and I just… lost it for some reason, it was like a switch had been turned inside of me." Ranma confessed.

"It was probably your demon instincts," Kagome reassured.

"What'd you mean?"

"Well it hasn't happened yet during your training with Shippou, because you know you're learning. But in ordinary circumstances, an alpha demon, when challenged, such as being struck, by a beta demon, will react to reinforce their command, usually in a very physical manner."


"You're an alpha, a pack leader. A beta is what you would call the other members in a pack, and the omega is the outcast, the scapegoat. You were an omega yourself before becoming an alpha actually. As it is, you're still an alpha even though you now have a human body."

"Huh," Ranma said as he propped himself on his forearms and looked down at her still flushed features. He nodded slowly, now that he thought of it from that perspective, it made sense and he wasn't ashamed about losing control like that. Akane's slap had triggered his instincts and because he wasn't use to controlling them yet in this body, his reaction had been automatic and brutal. Just as it would have been if he'd been disciplining a demon under him.

"Also the fact that's she's a girl might have also contributed to it," Kagome continued.

"How?" Ranma asked curiously. As Ranma he hadn't like fighting girls. As Inuyasha he hadn't cared one bit whether his opponent was male or female. What did Kagome mean?

"You see, you're mated and the insult might have been twice as offensive to you." Kagome explained. "You don't really get along with her from what you've told me, and you have been engaged to her for a long time as well. Your instincts might have seen it almost as a form of adultery and in guilt, and an attempt to make amends to your mate, me, you overreacted. Now that's just a guess, I might be way off and it's just the alpha thing." She concluded with a sensual smile as she looked up at him.

With a purely male smile of response Ranma shifted his body more firmly over hers. Practically purring with pleasure at the sensation of her bare skin gliding against his. His satisfaction increased as he felt her passionate tremble beneath him and smelled her growing arousal.

"Enough of that," he growled as his head dip down towards her. They had the rest of the evening to themselves and he knew just what they were going to do.

. . .

Nabiki nodded to herself with satisfaction. It hadn't even been a week since Ranma had moved out and she'd got just the ammunition she needed to stir things up. She'd even be considerate and not charge Ranma's rivals, her family, and Genma for the pictures she was about to show them. The damage they'd cause in revenge would be more than enough compensation for her.

"Well Nabiki-chan?" Akane demanded, as she drummed her fingers against the table top. Ever since Ranma had drawn blood and insulted her honour, she'd been itching to get even.

"I've found out where dear Ranma-kun's moved to."

"Well don't keep us in suspense Nabiki-san, tell us where that honour-less bastard's hid himself!" Ryoga growled. He hadn't witnessed the incident in the dojo but he'd certainly heard the story that an upset Akane had poured out to P-chan.

"He's moved into the Sunset Shrine."

"A shrine?" Kuno said in disbelief, "How dare he befoul a holy place with his base presence!"

"Yes, well," Nabiki replied as she fanned out some photographs on the table. They were no where nearly as scandalous as some others she had but she was saving them for later.

The colourful pictures drew a rather usual picture of a regular family. Only Ranma was also featured in them in surprising ways. Playing Blind's-Men's-Bluff with a group of black, white, and red-haired children and he was the one blindfolded. Battling it out with video games against a brown-haired teenager about his own age. Sparring in usual free-style fashion against a slightly older looking guy, creating the usual devastation to their surroundings. Than there was a shot of him actually making supper! The last one was of him having what looked like a rather heated debate with a middle-aged silvery-white haired man wearing glasses.

One thing that also stood out in all the pictures was the presence of a black haired and bronze eyed young woman. Sometimes she was in the background and at other times right up front. In some she was wearing a university uniform or regular street clothing, in one traditional garments of a shrine maiden, and still others medical attire.

"I see her!" Shampoo said suddenly, pointing at one of the pictures where she was clearly shown. "Since she go to café, Shampoo no see arien."

"She actually visited your restaurant?" Ukyo asked in surprise. Making a few mental connections of her own. This must be the priestess that Ranma had mentioned during his visit.

"Her name is Higurashi Kagome." Nabiki said as she placed three main photos before her. "The white haired man's name is Seibuinutaiso Sesshoumaru and his wife is Rin. This is Toyota Shippou who incidentally calls Higurashi-san mother. His wife, Souten, is the woman beside him. "

"Mother?" Kasumi questioned incredulously as she picked up the photo for a closer look. "She looks so young."

Nabiki shrugged and placed more profile shot photos onto the table, "That's practically the only thing I've heard him call her. Anyway onto the others. The brown-haired guy that's about Ranma's age is Higurashi Souta, Higurashi-san's younger brother. That's her mother and the senior in the priest clothes is her grandfather."

"So that worthless son of mine is trying to find a new family is he?" Genma grumbled, he was not about to let his future of easy living off the boy go so easily.

"It seems he's done a little more than that." Nabiki said slyly as she swiped the pile of photographs to the side and place five, larger ones onto the table. What they portrayed stunned everyone.

They all started in bug-eyed incredulity. Though none of the shots were shockingly graphic, the clearly naked, entwined limbs, devouring kisses, passion flushed skin and often tangled hair, painted a brutally truthful picture of what the two people were engaged in.

"That bastard!" Akane hissed furiously as she stared at the images. A sediment vocally and violently echoed by all Ranma's former fiancées and his three rivals. That deceitful, two-timing son of a bitch! Saotome Ranma would pay!

"Oh how could he dishonour the agreement between our families!" Soun bawled as tears streamed relentlessly down his cheeks.

"He has shamed the Saotome name," Genma said as he drew himself upright. It was time that he took a firm hand to his disobedient son. Even if he had to use the Forbidden Technique, he would make the boy see reason.

Without a word, Akane, Ryoga, Kuno, Kodachi, Shampoo, Mousse, Ukyo, Soun, Genma and Nabiki stood and left the Tendo house. Their destination and less than honourable intentions written clearly on their faces.

"Heh!" Happousai crackled gleefully as he looked at the pictures again, "I didn't know the boy had it in him!"

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